One terrific thing about living in a small town is the ability to meet lots of people and makes lots of friends. Most people living here stay for a few years and move else. It is pretty transient. At church everyone needs each other as most don't have family here and so close friends make us the extended family.
My husband's family is considered "locals". They have been here forever and have roots. They never leave.
Having said that, another one of my friends moved today and I am sad. Here is the moving cycle of my closest and dearest friends. Kim W. moved to Argentina. Heather moved to Washington. Angie moved to Utah. Carole moved to Washington. Annette moved to Utah. Kim M. moved on to heaven. LaRie moved to Utah. Amy moved to Idaho. And today Heidi moved to Washington.
Heaven help me as I am so sad. Heidi and I have sons born on the same day. We have been friends for about 8 years. We have been through so much together. What a talented lady! What would we do without or close friendships? Thank heavens I have Nickie to visit with every day!
2023 Cozy Tall Gifts for Her
1 year ago
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