Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Jeremiah

Today is Jeremiah's birthday. I can't believe he is now 10. He is one sweet boy and I'm so thankful to have him as a son.
Last night we went out to dinner and to see "Mosters vs. Aliens." This is the rundown of his day. We attended church in the morning. For lunch I fixed him his favorite meal - ribs and corn on the cob. Then hanging out all afternoon. This evening we went over to Grandma's house for cake and icecream. This included a party with the local aunts, uncles and cousins. One funny note, we gave his his own super size can of Pringles chips. He giggled so much. Jeremiah is a salt addict and was just as happy to receive a can of chips as any other present.
It may not have been the most eventful day as we were trying to celebrate, but still honor the Sabbath Day. However, tomorrow is a day off of school, so they just may have to breakout the four-wheelers for a ride around the yard!

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