We are happy to announce the referral of our daughter. Tonight we received word that we are finally have orphanage approval and can now announce her to the world.
She is a healthy little bundle of joy and we can't be more excited.
Our referral came on October 23rd. We started this process in January 2007, so it's been a long time coming!
Anyway this is how the referral happened. I was on my way to Denver for a girls weekend with 5 of my girlfriends. We were all meeting at one friend's house loading everything up when I got a call on my cell phone. I was told of a referral, but that there was some conditions. We were able to meet the conditions and it was so exciting! My friends thought something terrible had happened as I was bawling uncontrollably. Fortunately I was able to have pictures emailed instantly and I ran into my friend's house to view them with all of my friends.
Then Gerry called. He wondered what was going on. Our adoption agency called him, but wanted to talk to me. I had no idea they hadn't told him anything. So we shared the moment by phone. Not how I imagined, but exciting anyway! As you can imagine I was a bit distracted all weekend.
So, we went from being so high to my husband losing his job the next week. We pretty much only had a couple of days to get a new job in order to continue the adoption. We prayed and worked like crazy and had a major miracle of being able to get a job in such a short amount of time. Praise the Lord! We have been blessed so much!
Now this family of boys is about to have their world changed forever with the addition of a sister! The timing can't be better as it's Parker's birthday tomorrow. What a beautiful birthday present! Parker is turning 4 and says all of the time, "When is Princess Lea coming home? I can't wait any longer!" I agree and now we know she's on track to come home.
It will take a few months to get through the court process, but we will keep you informed of our progress!
Update- I didn't realize I can't post photos until the adoption is finalized or give out any personal info., so no pictures.
Plus Size Yoga Pants
10 years ago
OMG< OMG,OMG!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you. You have been in my thoughts these last 6 months hoping that you would find your daughter. She is so, so beautiful. Your boys are going to be IN LOVE with her. Congratulations Mama!!! Yahoo
I am so excited for you!!! This is wonderful news! Congratulations . . . I will be praying for a speedy court process!
Congratulations to you! It is an amazing feeling when you look upon the face of your child FINALLY! :) Is she at St. Lucy's? Our son Jeremiah is waiting their for us now :) and our son Noah came from there as well :) Noah came home September of 2008. I can't wait to follow your journey :)
Hello! I saw your posting on our Yahoo site and came to your blog. She is beautiful!! What unbelievably wonderful news after your long wait! We are just beginning our wait.
A very big congratulations to you! Wow, this was a long time coming. We got on FEC's wait list around the same time you did (April '07, right?). Your patience is commendable, and your little girl is a thing of beauty. She's in good hands at SLC until you arrive, which will hopefully be very, very soon.
I am SO excited for you!! What a perfect Christmas and Birthday gift! You have a lot of love to give and that beautiful little girl will have a wonderful life with you.
Hi, Are you with St. Lucys? I tried to reply on the yahoo group but it would not let me. We also recieved a referral at the end of October for St. Lucys. We are JOH,What is orphanage approval? I have never heard of that. My blog is www.hernandezherd.blogspot.com.
We may be travelling at the same time.I will befollowing your journey. Victoria
So thrilled for your family!!!
Many congratulations!!
ABOUT TIME!!!!!!! Wahooooooo! You simply MUST e-mail pictures to me! Finally your time!!! So thrilled! I hope you have an incredibly quick court process to make up for all this crazy waiting! Eeeeeeek!!!!!
mommy to 4, including a little princess from India (home 10/2009)
tisra AT mac DOT com
Krista, This is wonderful news!! I am so happy for you & your family! I haven't checked into 'blog world' for a while, and this is just the best news!!!! I will be logging in a lot more frequently. Guess I shouldn't stay away so long huh? :-) I will be praying for a quick court process! Can't wait to hear more about her!!!! Congratulations!
Wishing your family all the best the holidays can bring!!!
Adoption Adventure #3~ Taiwan
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